Breast Enlargement | Ento KBB

Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement is the operation made in order to increase the volume and to correct the shape of the breasts. In principle, implants filled with silicon gels in silicon covers that have lowered fluidity are used. Even though partial enlargements are possible with fat injections, these methods are currently used only for supportive purposes.

Any individual with appropriate health condition who have completed their breast growth and who are not happy with their current breasts can have breast enlargement surgery.

Very effective results have been obtained with cases such as developmental deficiencies, dramatical changes in weight, restoration of deformities, post-pregnancy and post-breast feeding volume losses.

By means of photographing system that allows 3D imaging and by image processing software, it has become possible to perform measurements and create the simulations of the targeted breast size, form and traces before the surgery. In this way, operation can be planned with a healthier doctor-patient communication.

Surgery lasts approximately 1-2 hours. It is performed under general anesthesia. Check out from the hospital either on the same day or 1 day later is possible. In order to prevent possible swellings and to give support to the breasts, an elastic bondage or a corset should be used immediately after the surgery and patient needs to continue using the corset for a few weeks. Medication during 1 week after surgery is also necessary to prevent from ache and infection. Intensive physical activity is restricted approximately for a week. Appropriate medication for traces is started in this period.

With the developing technology, breast implants are also constantly being updates. Various implants are currently available in different sizes in terms of length, height and projection which are adaptable with patient’s current breast anatomy. They provide different advantages by means of their surface features, softness and shapes. Breast enlargement is used effectively for the purpose of increasing the volume of the breast, correction of limited sagging, maintaining the fullness of upper breast and correction of volume asymmetries. The operation results in advancement of patient’s body image, balance in belly-hip proportion and increased self-esteem.

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